When you think of a muffin, what do you visualize? When I think about muffins, I think of a cute little grandma and that song...you know the one that goes, "Do you know the muffin man the muffin man the muffin man oh do you know the muffin man...anyways...what you should think of when you think of muffins is obese people. Because sadly, that's exactly what the muffin man does. He makes you gain weight. Lots of weight.
When faced with a few breakfast-food choices, namely a donut, a cinnabon, and a muffin, the health-conscious gentleman or lady is more than likely gonna grab the muffin. It just seems like the healthy choice, with its blueberry chunks and lacking icing.
But we have been deceived.
The other day, while looking to grab a mid-morning snack at the twilight zone, I stumbled across the muffin shelf and eyed up a few different ones. They all seemed pretty small, and as my eyes searched the rest of the shelf they set on one gloriously good looking muffin. It was about the size of a medium sized apple, and looked like it might satisfy my hunger with its delightful banana nut flavors. I casually checked the back of the wrapper and was flabbergasted at the sight of 650 calories and the fat content...of which I can't recall the exact amount was equally shocking. Then I looked at the serving size which was a HALF of the muffin. A half! If I would have consumed that entire muffin (which I could easily have done with room for a second helping) I would have eaten over half of a days worth of calories! I would have had to skip lunch and to say the least I was not willing to do so. Nor was I willing to face the more frightening alternative of running it off. So to say the least I rejected that muffin and opted for a banana and a granola bar. I have a feeling they filled me up more than that muffin would have.
So if you've recently discovered the new and improved mammoth muffin at the Wilk and gave it a permanent home on your campus grocery list, I suggest you reconsider. Either that, or don't be surprised when you start packin on the pounds.
Whatever brand of muffin you were looking at, I recommend you look at the others again. Just today (partly to test your claim) I bought a chocolate chip muffin from the vending machine for 90 cents. It only had about 250 calories and %13 daily fat grams. And mmmmmmmm, boy, was it good.
Costco muffins reign supreme. I don't care how many calories are included in all that goodness. :)
Not all muffins are that bad. There are some healthier choices out there, like bran muffins for example. However, you are right about some of them...they are just as bad as a donut.
I am trying to up my calories, so maybe i should check those muffins out.
I think i stopped liking store bought muffins several years ago. It felt like eating an oily cupcake dressed up like a friendly diet.
All I think about when I hear the word "muffin" is that show Oprah did on women with "muffintops"-- you know, that roll of fat that hangs over your jeans when they're too tight, resembling a muffin spilling over its cuppage? Yeah, that mental image along is sometimes enough to deter me.
But amen to the Costco kind...I have absolutely no will to refuse them. Hehe sissie I love your blog!
Wow! that's crazy. I wonder how unhealthy the ones from Costco are... you know those HUGE ones that come in chocolate, poppyseed, or blueberry?! Oh well, I absolutely love those blueberry muffins... hehe:)
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